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ISA Annual International Conference and Business Meeting, June 17-19, 2021

ISA Annual International Conference and Business Meeting, June 17-19, 2021

ISA Annual International Conference and Business Meeting, June 17-19, 2021

Chidi Igwe Published: Jan. 22, 2021, 8:38 p.m. Updated: Dec. 21, 2024, 8:38 p.m. 124 0 0 0

Dear ISA Members:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this memorandum finds you still safe, strong, and in good condition of health where you reside. On behalf of the Executive Management Team, I write to provide you updates on the measures we are putting in place for the 2021 Annual Conference and Business Meeting scheduled for June 17-19, 2021 (Attachment a). We continue to move as the masquerade moves, in order the better to watch it and enjoy its dancing.

At its meeting of 01/16/2022, the ISA Executive Management Team mapped a Calendar for 2021-2022. Among other issues, the Executive decided to go 100 per cent virtual for the 2021 Annual Conference and Business Meeting. This is as a result of the upsurge of the global pandemic, with the added danger of more virulent and faster transmissible strains noted, the current insufficiency of vaccines for everyone, and political instability at home and abroad.

In undertaking to go virtual, rather than have members meet physically at Enugu, the Team wishes to ensure that ISA remains relevant and able to fulfil its mission and goals of providing members, affiliates and friends with the platform that they have come to expect for their academic and professional work.

Abstracts received in 2020 (Attachment b) have been sorted into sessions and panels for presentation in 2021(Attachment c). Please do not change topic or abstract submitted, given that a lot of editing work has already been done on them. The index of participants has also been established (Attachment d). If you choose to opt out of the conference, however, you may still do so, by contacting the Program Chairperson. Nonetheless, new abstract submissions are solicited only from those who did not submit last year and wish to participate.

Yet to be determined is the choice between Zoom technology and WhatsApp platform for the said conference. The Program Director will provide these technical details and other salient pieces of information as we go along, in due course.

For the rest of this memorandum, please access the attached PDF version, as well as the PDF of four other supporting documents on the 2021 ISA Annual Conference and Business Meeting.


Dr. Mrs. Azodo, Ada U
President, ISA (USA)



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