Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 04:43
Abstract Template


All abstracts must be prepared according to the ISA Conference Abstract Template. Download a copy of the template and save it on your computer. Replace the contents with your original abstract. Please maintain the format. Your abstract will be rejected automatically if it is not properly formatted according to the template/examples below. For technical support, please contact Dr. Chidi Igwe by email ([email protected]).


How to Format your Abstract for the Igbo Studies Association Annual International Conference

Chidi Igwe, PhD
Department of French
University of Regina, Regina, Canada
Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this document is to provide a sample, template or an abstract submission guideline to ensure uniformity in the formatting and preparation of abstracts submitted for the Annual International Conference of the Igbo Studies Association. Abstracts that are not properly formatted according to these guidelines will be automatically rejected. You may download this template, save a copy on your computer, and replace the existing contents, keeping the original format. Your abstract must be submitted in MS-Word, containing a total of not more than 300 words. It must be written in English or Igbo language. The font family must be Times New Roman and the font size must be 12pt. The whole document must be single-spaced and left aligned.

Once prepared, the MS-Word document must be submitted/uploaded through the ISA website: You will provide other information, such as your phone number, when you fill the online submission form, before uploading and submitting your abstract. After submission, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission. Please ensure to provide a valid email address. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified in writing by the ISA Conference Committee with information on how to pay a non-refundable membership fee of $50.00 (paid in advance), and later a conference registration fee that will permit you to present your paper at the conference. We will send you an official acceptance/invitation letter upon receiving a confirmation of payment of your non-refundable membership fee.


How to Format your Abstract for the Igbo Studies Association Annual International Conference

Chidi Igwe, PhD
Department of French
University of Regina, Regina, Canada
Email: [email protected]


Chidi Nnamdi Igwe, PhD
ISA 2020 Program Chair
University of Regina, Regina, Canada
Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this document is to provide a sample, template or an abstract submission guideline to ensure uniformity in the formatting and preparation of abstracts submitted for the Annual International Conference of the Igbo Studies Association. Abstracts that are not properly formatted according to these guidelines will be automatically rejected. You may download this template, save a copy on your computer, and replace the existing contents, keeping the original format. Your abstract must be submitted in MS-Word, containing a total of not more than 300 words. It must be written in English or Igbo language. The font family must be Times New Roman and the font size must be 12pt. The whole document must be single-spaced and left aligned.

Once prepared, the MS-Word document must be submitted/uploaded through the ISA website: You will provide other information, such as your phone number, when you fill the online submission form, before uploading and submitting your abstract. After submission, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission. Please ensure to provide a valid email address. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified in writing by the ISA Conference Committee with information on how to pay a non-refundable membership fee of $50.00 (paid in advance), and later a conference registration fee that will permit you to present your paper at the conference. We will send you an official acceptance/invitation letter upon receiving a confirmation of payment of your non-refundable membership fee.