Friday, March 07, 2025 - 03:20

Annual Membership Dues - Student (New Member)

Annual Membership Dues - Student (New Member)

Annual Membership Dues - Student (New Member)


ISA membership is open to individuals who are interested in or are engaged in scholarship relating to Ndi Igbo. Membership is open to Igbo scholars everywhere committed to engendering and promoting scholarship in all disciplines in Igbo studies.

Your ISA membership must be renewed annually in order for you to remain a member. Please select the membership category that applies to you, add to cart and checkout. After completing your payment, please forward an electronic copy of your confirmation of payment to: [email protected].

If you are unable to pay your registration and membership dues online, you may pay the Naira equivalent into the following account in Nigeria:

Account Name: Dr. Ijeoma Nwajiaku
Bank: Fidelity Bank PLC
Account No: 6052600842

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