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    Last-minutes virtual conference house-keeping

    Below are a few final house-keeping details for your attention as you prepare to join the virtual conference:

    Conference login details

    As you already know, all the papers have been grouped into 31 panels to run on Zoom. If you have not done that yet, please go ahead and reserve your seat in as many panels as you would like to attend. All panels can be accessed right from the homepage at


    The login details have been made available on the panel webpage. Three panels will be running concurrently each time. When you log in, you will arrive in the common room. You will see the three running panels and be able to join any of them. You may be moved into the panels automatically if you reserved a seat and if we received the correct Zoom conference name for you. Please change/update your Zoom meeting name as soon as you login.

    Please try to join the meeting minutes early so that you are able to adjust and get ready.

    Panel chair

    Each panel will be coordinated by a panel chair. I have reached out to a lot of you. When the panelists arrive and the chair has not or if at any point the chair runs into technical issues, please appoint a panelist from amongst you to chair the panel and proceed. Click here for a document I have prepared as a guide to the panel chair.

    How to present your paper

    We have asked everyone to prepare a video presentation ahead of time. This gives us two options:

    1. A panelist can present by playing his/her video presentation. In this case, you need to get the video ready on the computer/system you will use to join the meeting. When it is your turn, share your screen and play your video presentation. Wait for others to finish presenting before the whole panel goes into the Q&A session. At that time, you will have a chance to take questions from your colleagues. Click here for a guide on the use of Zoom, including screen sharing.
    2. A panelist may make a live presentation. In fact, if you notice that you are having technical issues playing your video, please switch to live presentation immediately. In any case, panelists must stick to the time assigned for the presentation. Remember that the time allotted to your presentation also includes the time you spend trying to get yourself ready. So prepare your materials ahead before joining the meeting and use your time judiciously

    If you have any question, please contact me by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

    I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

    I hope everyone will have a smooth experience with the virtual conference.


    Chidi Igwe


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    The Director,
    Igbo Studies Association Secretariat & Center for Igbo Studies
    Fine Arts Building, Room # 321
    Dominican University
    7900 W. Division Street
    River Forest, IL 60305 USA
    Telephone: (708) 488-5302